Finding Your Best Body - Harder to Track Down than Taylor Swift Tickets and a Lot Less Fun. Unless…..

The 10 step, cryptic process

The less than 5% success rate

The willingness to throw more and more money at the problem, the further you get into it

The panicky heart rate and deep disappointment

Buying the swag (read: special dress or dream jeans) and watching them sit there, waiting for the day you can wear them

Days of grief when you get SO CLOSE but it all falls apart

The brief moment of madness when you consider flying to Poland for a solution because it'll just be easier and really won't be *that* much more money

Renewed, delusional hope that the next opportunity will be the one that pans out

Now, pop quiz! Was that a description of me trying to buy tickets to the Taylor Swift Era's tour OR me trying, for over a decade, to find my best body?


Here's what I do know - when I learned how to make intuitive intentional decisions about food and movement, my best body FOUND ME.

Zero on-line queuing, trips to Poland (though it sounds beautiful!) or friendship bracelets required.

