On Getting Up the Nerve to Feel Good (aka the A/B newsletter)

Did you know: It takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 to smile?

I mean, first of all, BARF. 🤢 At 44 years old, I have very little patience for trite, clichéd, bubblegum ideology, especially if I'm having a really shit day.

But also - I’m pretty sure that it’s wrong.

A. because I have two degrees focused on anatomy and biomechanics


B. mostly because I just grabbed it off a random website on the internet that was so bad it even admitted it wasn’t sure about the facts it was spewing.

But like, fuck science. And reality, I guess?? Let's just toxic positivity our problems away! 😂

We’re sold this drivvle to convince us that it’s harder to be sad than happy.

Which honestly, I don’t believe because

A. the shady aforementioned website


B. My own personal experience.

Life is filled with beauty and joy and shortbread cookies made by your grandma but it’s also filled with loads of disappointment. Laundry loads.

After years of trying to feel better about your body - better in your body - it might feel like it’s too hard and too scary to try again. Like, what is the point in trying another thing when you've already tried all the things and looked to all the mentors and, at the end of it all, you're just a few dollars poorer, a few years older, and no closer to finding peace with food or your body?

Lawdy, this is getting depressing! I could use summa that bubblegum, right about now...

But for real, stick with me because:

A. we're going to turn this ship around


B. there's a big prize for everyone who reads all the way to the end!*

I would like to suggest to you that you haven't tried all the things yet. That you haven't met all the mentors. That there's still so much possibility for you and your body and your relationship with food.

You've likely tried 2 things:

A. dieting or healthy lifestyles that are actually diets (aka restriction)


B. a version of intuitive eating where you eat everything in sight whether it feels good or not (aka permission)

If you're willing to trust me and take one last stab at feeling good, I have a solution and it is called DISCERNMENT. Healthy-ish is the frame work for learning how to say YES and NO - on your terms, based on your goals and values and your BODY.

It's not easy to try again when you've been burned 6,832 times. But you can't just give up! What kind of life would that be? Rest if you must but then come on back and let's do something truly new and revolutionary. You deserve to find the peace you're after.

Ok, eek. That's verging on bubblegum ideology. Time to wrap this up!



*You did it! You read until then end! And your prize is... *fumbles around in pockets for something to offer*... the internal satisfaction of knowing you read a whole email! Round of applause! You're also welcome to this lint-y mint from my pocket, if you like?